Stephen Bay's Photography Blog

Exploring and Photographing Sea Caves in San Diego

I’ve been photographing the sea caves around San Diego for the past several years. They are one of my favorite subjects, I really enjoy finding, exploring, and photographing them. To me, discovering a new cave is like coming across a hidden pirate’s treasure. I’m not sure why i’m so drawn to the caves but they’ve always seemed like a comfortable space offering a bit of protection from the elements and yet providing a view to the outside.

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San Diego Henge and Scrippshenge

If you are a landscape photographer, you’ve probably heard of Manhattanhenge where the sunrise or sunset aligns with the streets of Manhattan. It’s an incredibly beautiful sight to witness with the warm light spilling all over the scene. However this isn’t just something limited to New York, and you’ll be glad to know we have this same effect in San Diego although it occurs on different dates.

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Best Places to Take Pictures in San Diego

I often get asked where’s a good place to photograph in San Diego. Usually the question is from someone visiting but even locals will occasionally ask me for ideas. San Diego is a large city and it’s hard to know all of the areas even if you’ve lived here your entire life. I’ve been photographing multiple times a week for years and I’m still discovering new spots. Instead of just giving a random list of top landmarks, I’m going to organize my suggestions by neighborhood and provide some commentary on what types of photography that might be fruitful in that area.

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The Most Beautiful Christmas Trees in San Diego

In December, I like to photograph the various public Christmas trees in San Diego. I haven’t got around to capturing all of them yet, but here’s a short list of the ones that I think are most beautiful. 1. Liberty Station The Christmas tree at Liberty Station in Point Loma is by far my favorite tree. The tree is an 88’ tall Norfolk Pine and is located in the North Promenade.

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Should I Share Photo Locations?

I often get questions about the exact location where I’ve taken a photograph. For well known spots that can handle a lot of traffic, I generally have no problems answering this and may even offer up tips about the best time to go, where to park, weather conditions, etc. However for lessor known spots I might only provide a general location such as the name of the park (e.g. Joshua Tree NP) or broad geographic area (e.

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